
Continue evaluation of both existing and newly developed CDS implementations.

GLIDES Research Questions To Be Addressed

  • How can CDS developed at Yale and Nemours in GLIDES Years 1 and 2 be further improved to optimize its adoption and utility?

  • What best practices and techniques most contribute to improved user adoption?

  • What is the impact of Yale and Nemours Year 1 and 2 CDS on clinical care processes and patient outcomes?

  • How can healthcare knowledge be best specified to be actionable through CDS? How can IT enable best practices? What should healthcare knowledge include to make that happen? How can this be done in a replicable way across IT platforms?

  • For Health IT: What do all IT vendors need to do to incorporate CDS? What do the specific vendors involved in the demonstration need to do to improve CDS in their products? What are the best CDS modalities?

  • What components of the installed CDS do clinicians value most? Least?

  • How does the CDS impact clinician decision making?

© 2010, Yale Center for Medical Informatics