
Recognizing the critical importance of transparently developed and clearly stated guideline recommendations to effective implementation, GLIDES will work closely with AAO-HNS to provide tools and guidance to improve guideline development and reporting processes. The effectiveness of the tools and guidance will be evaluated and, in future GLIDES’ years, will be promoted for use by other guideline development organization.

GLIDES Research Questions To Be Addressed

  • How can “knowledge transformation”, necessary for successful CDS implementation, be simplified by improving the clarity and specificity of guidelines during development?

  • What portions of the current knowledge transformation stack can potentially be moved “upstream” to the guideline development process?

  • What tools and authoring techniques, such as BridgeWiz and eGLIA, can facilitate this shift?

  • What knowledge products and specifications should guideline developers provide to integrate with “downstream” CDS design work performed by guideline implementers (at Level 3 and 4)?

  • Can performance measurement considerations be embedded into the guideline authoring process?

© 2010, Yale Center for Medical Informatics