Welcome to BridgeWiz APTA

Select An Activity:

What type of activity do you propose?

Is each recommended action (what to do) stated specifically and unambiguously? That is, would members of the intended audience execute each action in a consistent way? If not, rewrite the action.

Recommended Action
Under what conditions will be performed?

Under What Conditions
Would the guideline's intended audience consistently determine whether each condition has been satisfied? If not, rewrite the condition.

What are the intended benefits of


What are the anticipated Risks, Harms, and Costs of


Is there Equilibrium or a preponderance of Benefits or Risks, Harms, and Costs?

Preponderance of Risks, Harms, and Costs
Preponderance of Benefits


Risks, Harms, Costs
What aggregate evidence quality supports these benefits, risks, harms, and costs?


Evidence Quality
I Evidence obtained from high qyality diagnostic studes, prognostic or prospective studies, or randomized controlled trials, meta analysis or systematic reviews (critical appraisal score > 50% criteria)

II Evidence obtained from lesser-quality diagnostic studies, prognostic or prospective studies, or randomized controlled trials (critical appraisal score < 50% criteria)

III Case controlled studies or retrospective studies

IV Case studies and case series

V Expert opinion

With a Level Evidence Quality Rating and this key action statement should have a Recommendation Strength of

The level of obligation should be


Please select an option
Value Judgments:
Intentional Vagueness:
Role Of Patient Preferences:
Policy Level:
Differences of Opinion: