XML Tags

All the XML tags (elements) and their definitions (where applicable)  are described in this table. Some of the terms use controlled vocabulary as outlined on NGC Classification Scheme.

GEM definitions are displayed in an XML file at gem_defs.xml.



XML Element Tag

 Controlled Vocabulary








Complete title of the guideline



bibliographic citation


Guideline Length

number of pages in printed document


Release date

date the guideline was released to public






information regarding sources of guideline in electronic format



information regarding sources of guideline in print format



person or organization to contact for additional information



identifies whether the guideline is a revised or updated version of a previously issued document


Companion document

refers to other documents (including Technical Reports, Consumer Guidelines, Quick Reference Guidelines produced by the guideline developer relevant to the guideline


Patient Resources

patient resources that are directly related, I.e., derived and/or prepared from the guideline



identifies that the guideline has been adapted from another guideline





Developer Name

organization(s) responsible for developing the guideline


Developer Type

organization type attribute-major designation or function (NGC)


NGC Organization Type

Committee Name

formal name of committee withing developer organization responsible for developing guideline


Committee expertise

group composition - composition of the group that authored guideline


Committee Member

Name of committee member


Member Expertise

Background or expertise of an individual guideline committee member



source(s) of financial support for guideline development, including grant numbers



organization that has endorsed the guideline


Comparable Guideline

another guideline on same topic, generally indicated by developing organization





Main health practices, services or technologies considered

Primary disease/Condition, health practice, service, or technology addressed in the guideline


NGC Disease-Condition


Classification of major focus of the guideline (NGC)


NGC Guideline Category 


reasons for developing recommendations



objectives - describes the objectives of the guideline


Available options

main management options considered; principal alternative preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic strategies available


Implementation strategy

specific strategies, aims, performance measures, or plans for implementing the recommendations


Health Outcomes

describes the most important specific outcomes or performance measures considered in the guideline; includes pt outcomes and diagnostic test performance characteristics



situations in which socially relevant factors permit an exception to be made in applying the guidelines; include home and family situation, constraints on health care delivery system (IOM)


Intended audience



Care setting

describes the settings in which guideline is intended for use



classifies the groups intended to use the guideline


NGC Intended Users

Clinical Specialty

classifies the clinical specialties that might use the guideline professionally (NGC)


NGC Clinical Specialty 

Target population 




describes target population; identifies restrictions on guideline use such as within an MCO or geographic region.
Criterion that specifically defines the target population for the recommendations


Inclusion criterion

A criterion whose presence is necessary for the guideline recommendations to be applicable


Exclusion Criterion

A criterion whose presence excludes the applicability of the recommendations



For the purposes of searching, NGC classifies the target population by age and sex


NGC Target Population 




Method of development



Description of evidence collection

methods used to collect (identify and retrieve) scientific evidence on which recommendations are based (IOM)


Method of collecting evidence

classifies methods used to collect evidence (NGC)


NGC Methods Used to Collect the Evidence

Number of source documents

Number of source documents identified by methods described above


Evidence time period

publication dates of the most recent evidence considered


Method evidence grading

criteria used to gauge the quality of information collected from different sources


NGC Methods Used to Assess the Quality and Strength of the Evidence

Rating Scheme

Presents rating scheme for strength of evidence


Description of Method for combining evidence/opinion

formal method of synthesis used to combine the scientific evidence quantitatively or otherwise; formal expert or group judgment techniques used to reach professional consensus


Method combining evidence/opinion

Classifies methods used by developer to evaluate data in the evidence (NGC)


NGC Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence

Cost Analysis

Describes any formal cost analysis performed


Specification of benefit/harm

Description of general benefits and risks associated with implementation of guideline


Quantification of benefit/harm

Quantification of general benefits or risks associated with implementation of guideline


Role of value judgment

implicit or explicit process for judging relative desirability of health, economic, and process outcomes associated with alternative practices


Role of patient preference

the role of patient preferences for different possible outcomes of care when the appropriateness of a clinical intervention involves a substantial element of personal choice or values (IOM)


Qualifying statement

Important caveat relating to major recommendation. Identifies area of uncertainty


Knowledge Components




A statement of appropriate practice specified in the guideline



If then statement


Decision variable

A condition that must be tested to indicate the appropriateness of an action



A specified state of a decision variable


Decision Variable Description

Text that provides and amplifies information about a decision variable


Test parameter

Information about the quality of a decision variable



An indication of the probability of the decision variable being present under specific clinical circumstances



An indication of the probability of the decision variable being absent under specific clinical circumstances


Predictive value

An indication of the probability of an outcome occurring when a particular value of the decision variable is present


Decision variable cost

The cost of testing a decision variable



Appropriate activities given specific clinical circumstances defined by values of decision variables


Action Benefit

An improvement in status of some measured outcome that may occur as a result of following a recommendation



Risk or adverse outcome associated with implementation of a recommendation


Action description

Text that provides and amplifies information about an action


Action cost

Cost of performing a specific action



An explanation or justification for a recommendation


Evidence quality

An indication of methodologic rigor of the studies that support a recommendation


Strength of recommendation

An indication of the guideline developers' level of support for a given recommendation



Indications of optional actions



Boolean operators that indicate how decision variables and actions are to be combined



Overall cost of performing a specific conditional recommendation



Indicator of a relationship between this conditional and other knowledge component(s)



Specific citation relevant to this conditional recommendation



Indication of the likelihood that this recommendation will lead to specified outcomes



Recommendation directed at the entire eligible population without limitation



An appropriate activity for the eligible population


Directive Benefit

An improvement in status that may occur as a result of following a directive



Risk or adverse outcome associated with implementation of a directive



Text that provides and amplifies information about a directive



Cost of performing a specific directive



An explanation or justification for a recommendation


Evidence quality

An indication of methodologic rigor of the studies that support a recommendation


Strength of recommendation

An indication of the guideline developers' level of support for a given recommendation



Indication of options in performing imperative



Boolean operators that indicate how directives are to be combined



Overall cost of performing a n imperative recommendation



Indicator of a relationship between this imperative and other knowledge component(s)



Specific citation relevant to this imperative recommendation



Indication of the likelihood that this recommendation will lead to specified outcomes






A word or phrase defined in the guideline


Term meaning

The precise definition of the term for guideline purposes



A sequential representation (often graphic) of stages in health management described by a guideline


Action Step

Specifies clinical actions that are to be performed in the patient-care process (GLIF)


Conditional Step

Directs flow from one guideline step to another based on the evaluation of a criterion (GLIF)


Branch Step

Directs flow in alternate directions (GLIF)


Synchronization Step

Represents a convergence of other steps (GLIF)





External review

evaluator and/or methods used to review or validate the recommendations of the guideline


Review Method

Summarizes methods used to review or validate the guideline (NGC)


NGC Method of Review of Guideline Recommendations

Pilot testing

Validation status testing , pilot, production


Revision Plan




Time (or date) that recommendations cease to be valid


Scheduled review

Future time (or date) planned to review continued appropriateness of recommendations
